What is SER?
The initials stand for Service, Evangelization, Responsibility. SER was formed to meet a need for workers in the north zone of Esmeraldas province in Ecuador. Its purpose is to provide spiritual, emotional, and financial support for workers of the Gospel and for projects to bring God’s Word to areas that are difficult to access.

What people group lives in the north zone of Esmeraldas Province in Ecuador?
Five hundred years ago, African slaves escaped from wrecked ships and settled along the coast and rivers on the northwest coast of Ecuador. Currently, there are over a million African Ecuadorians. The culture still has strong traces of African traditions mixed with indigenous customs.
The north zone of Esmeraldas and the African Ecuadorian people have been neglected in many ways. They lack good education, medical care, infrastructure, and most important of all, a knowledge of the truth of Salvation.

John and Jissell Lema are the first full-time workers with Project SER. John grew up in the Andes of Ecuador, and has lived in the Esmeraldas area since 2014, working alongside a career IMB missionary couple. Jissell was born and raised in the north of Esmeraldas Province and is part of the people and culture. They both have a passion to see people come to know Christ and grow in Him.

What is project ser doing?
As full-time workers with Project SER, John and Jissell are doing evangelism, discipleship, church development, and leadership training. They have a special focus on the youth of the area. John is pastoring three churches in formation, helping in three others, and leading four youth groups. These churches and youth groups come together regularly for joint fellowship. John also offers free English classes to the area youth.

You can help bring God’s Word to the African Ecuadorian people by:

Prayer is essential to the work that John and Jissell are doing. They need you to pray for them and for the people in this area.

The work of SER among the African Ecuadorians in the north of Esmeraldas is dependent on donations. Please pray about if and how God would have you support SER.

You can go to Esmeraldas and work alongside of John and Jissell during a short- term mission trip.